Item Coversheet

Action Item - 8.

Title: Contract with Navigate360 for Active Shooter Training

Board of Education Meeting Date:

Action under consideration

 The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize The School District of Philadelphia, through the Superintendent or his designee, to execute and perform a contract, subject to funding, as follows: 

Navigate360, LLC 

Grant funded contract with Navigate360, LLC for District-wide active shooter response training program

 Start date: 1/30/2022

 End date: 1/29/2025
 Compensation not to exceed: $295,100 
All Schools; Administrative Office(s)

 Renewal Options:  No


Why is this contract needed?

The Office of School Safety and Office of Student Support Services, in a collaborative application, received the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) School Mental Health & Safety and Security FY22-23 Grant. The grant will provide funding for the School District to make significant updates to its active shooter response training program, including contracting with Navigate360 for access to the best-in-class ALICE active shooter response training methodology and program, and additional contracted implementation support to aid in the roll out of this major training initiative. Additional  grant funded contracted implementation support will be addressed in a future Action Item following the conclusion of a currently open competitive procurement process.  

Under this Action Item, the School District will enter into a contract with Navigate360. Through the contract, the Office of Professional Learning and Office of School Safety will partner with Navigate360 to implement the ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) active shooter response training program for all District staff. The contract with Navigate360 will: 

  • Provide access to e-learning ALICE active shooter response training lessons that will integrate directly into the District’s digital learning management software (LMS) platform (currently Cornerstone, and in the future PowerSchool) for asynchronous e-learning. Lessons will be available in English and Spanish, and separate ALICE training curricula will be available for parents and guardians, in addition to the curricula available for all School District staff. 

  • Provide training sessions to certify School District staff as ALICE trainers to complement e-learning in a blended learning and training model.

  • Provide access to age appropriate books and activities for elementary aged students related to active shooter and emergency response preparation. 

How is this work connected to the District’s plan to achieve Goals & Guardrails? 

The safety, security, and emergency management work of the Office of School Safety, including training and preparation for active shooter response is directly aligned with Guardrail 1 – welcoming, safe, and supportive schools for all students.

How will the success of this contract be measured? 

The Office of Professional Learning and Office of School Safety, with other District partners as needed, will work with Navigate360 and additional contracted implementation supports to develop a master implementation plan for this training initiative. The plan will establish milestones, timelines, and measures related to this project - they are expected to include: number of school district staff certified as ALICE trainers, on time integration of ALICE content into the School District LMS, and number of staff trained annually by role. Additional measures may be identified as implementation moves forward. 


Was a larger community of District community members and/or stakeholders involved in this contract?

As part of recent rounds of collective bargaining unions representing School District staff have expressed a need for further active shooter and emergency response training. This contract will directly support that request. Moreover, community and school safety were identified as areas of concern in recent Listening and Learning sessions as part of Dr. Watlington’s transition. This contract and overall training project will improve and expand on established active shooter training at the School District, including making training and resources available directly to parents and guardians.  

 Related resolution(s)/approval(s): 

January 17, 2022; No. 1

 Funding Source(s): 

PCCD School Mental Health & Safety and Security FY22-23 Grant

 Office Originating Request: Operations - School Safety