Item Coversheet

Action Item - 16.

Title: Change Orders With Various Vendors ($123,401)

Board of Education Meeting Date:

Action under consideration


The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize The School District of Philadelphia, through the Superintendent or his designee, to execute and perform amendments of contracts to account for change order modifications to on-going construction projects at various locations, as follows:


Allstates Mechanical, Ltd.

Ernest Bock & Sons, Inc.

Smith Construction, Inc.

Lex Electric Company, Inc.

BSI Construction, LLC

Paramount Electrical Service, LLC

Hyde Electric Corporation


To pay additional amounts necessitated by change orders for ongoing construction projects

Start Date:  11/19/21

End Date:  Through completion dates for previously approved contracts

Compensation not to exceed:  $123,401

Separate Compensation by Vendor and Locations:

Allstates Mechanical, Ltd. - Mechanical Contract - Major Renovation and Addition at Allen, Ethan Elementary School; $1,529 

Smith Construction, Inc. - General Contract - ADA Modifications at Beeber, Dimner Middle School; $3,894 

Paramount Electrical Service, LLC - Electrical Contract - HVAC Major Renovation at Hartranft, John F. Elementary School; $2,035 

Allstates Mechanical, Ltd. - Mechanical Contract - HVAC Renovation at Morton, Thomas G. Elementary School; $43,773 

Allstates Mechanical, Ltd. - Mechanical Contract - Major Renovation at Rhoads, James Elementary School; $8,284 

Smith Construction, Inc. - General Contract - Major Renovation at Rhoads, James Elementary School; $35,251 

Ernest Bock & Sons, Inc. - General Contract - Major Renovation and Addition at Richmond Elementary School; $3,160 

Lex Electric Company, Inc. - Electrical Contract - Major Renovation and Addition at Richmond Elementary School; $10,674 

Hyde Electric Corporation - Electrical Contract - Electric Service Upgrade at Vare - Washington Elementary School; $6,080 

BSI Construction, LLC - General Contract - Major Renovation at Wilson, Woodrow Middle School; $8,721 

This action item is to approve modifications to active construction contracts for new construction, major renovations, and life cycle replacement projects approved in the Capital Budget. The change order process addresses modifications to contracts for work that is added, deleted, or otherwise modified from the original project design and scope of work. Change orders occur due to design errors, design omissions, unforeseen conditions, and requests from the District to ensure completeness of the project. The Office of Capital Programs reviews, negotiates, and approves change orders subject to Board approval so that construction work is not interrupted due to change orders.

Goals and Guardrails:
Guardrail 1: Welcoming and Supportive Schools - Every school will be a safe, welcoming, and healthy place where our students, staff and community want to be and learn each day. 

Funding Source:
FY 22 Capital Budget 


Related resolutions(s)/approval(s):

August 20, 2020; No. 12  

January 28, 2021; No. 11  

December 10, 2020; No. 19  

December 12, 2019; No. 12 

June 21, 2018; No. 60  

January 30, 2020; No. 24

 Office Originating Request: Operations - Capital Programs
Change Order AnalysisSupporting Document