Item Coversheet

Board of Education Meeting Date:  6/11/2020

Action under consideration


The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize the School District of Philadelphia, through the Superintendent or his designee, to appoint business, industry, post-secondary and community members to the Occupational Advisory Committees of The School District of Philadelphia's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, and to provide notice of changes to CTE program options for the 2020-2021 school years, as follows:


Start Date: May 29, 2020


End Date: 8/31/21


Purpose: To appoint members to the School District's Occupational Advisory Committees for CTE programs, and reporting CTE program additions and reductions


Locations:  Franklin, Benjamin High School; Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) High School; Dobbins, Murrell Career and Technical Education High School; Edison, Thomas A. High School; Frankford High School; Franklin Learning Center (FLC); Kensington High School; Kensington High School for Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA); Kensington Health Sciences Academy; Lincoln, Abraham High School; King, Martin Luther High School; Mastbaum, Jules E. Area Vocational Technical High School; Northeast High School; Overbrook High School; Parkway West High School; Randolph, A. Philip Career and Technical High School; Robeson, Paul High School for Human Services; Roxborough High School; Saul, Walter B. High School; Sayre, William L. High School; Science Leadership Academy (SLA); Science Leadership Academy (SLA) at Beeber; South Philadelphia High School; Swenson Arts and Technology High School; The U School; Washington, George High School; West Philadelphia High School; The Workshop School


Description:  All Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved CTE programs are required to establish Occupational Advisory Committees (OAC), whose members will be appointed pursuant to this action item, that meet at least twice annually to make recommendations for program improvement and provide technical assistance on curriculum development and delivery, equipment purchases, facilities, technology, safety, and student work-based learning opportunities.  A secondary purpose of this action item is to comply with state required notice of CTE program changes. The decision to add CTE programs is driven by workforce needs of the City of Philadelphia and the surrounding region, and input from industry advisory committees. The District reduces programs by looking at student enrollment and capacity. Students enrolled in programs that are being closed are provided an opportunity to enroll in another program at the school.


PDE approved the following programs to begin in 2019-20: Biotechnology (Dobbins); Digital Media Production (Dobbins); Culinary Arts (Frankford); Digital Media Production (Kensington CAPA); Digital Media Production (Roxborough); and Sports Marketing and Management (Roxborough). The District will apply to PDE for approval to offer the following programs starting in 2020-21: Solar Energy Technology (Frankford) and Urban Agriculture Operations (The U School).  The following CTE Programs will no longer be offered in 2020-21 because they are merging into new Digital Media Production programs at their respective schools: Film and Video Production and Graphic Design (Kensington CAPA); and Film and Video Production and Web Design (Roxborough).  The following CTE programs will no longer be offered, due to low enrollment:  Dental Assisting (Randolph) and Engineering (South Philadelphia).


Anchor Goal(s) Supported: Anchor Goal 1 - 100% of students will graduate ready for college or career


Related resolution(s)/approval(s): 

November 15; 2018; No. 30

March 15; 2018; B-7

 Office Originating Request: Board of Education
CTE OAC DatabaseSupporting Document
Recruitment & Selection ProcessSupporting Document