Item Coversheet

Board of Education Meeting Date:  6/11/2020

Action under consideration

 The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize The School District of Philadelphia, through the Superintendent or his designee, to execute and perform an amendment of a contract, subject to funding, as follows:

InProcess Consulting, LLC (d/b/a IPC Global Services) 

Qlik data dashboard development, maintenance, support, and associated project management

 Original Start Date:  9/1/2016

 Original End Date:  8/31/2020

 Amended End Date:  8/31/2021

 Currently Authorized Compensation:  $3,750,000

 Additional Compensation: 

 Total New Compensation:  $3,750,000 

All Schools


This amendment to extend the term of the contract will allow InProcess Consulting (IPC) to continue developing and refining the District's data analytics and management dashboards, as well as School Profiles and other online data tools (e.g., District Wide Survey website, SPR Calculator), in collaboration with the District.  IPC is a vendor in good standing and this one-year extension will enable us to continue to provide accurate and timely data to internal stakeholders as well as the public, without interruption in service. The contract extension would use Capital and Operating funds already allocated for the work but not yet expended. We plan to re-procure this contract in 2021.  Examples of current public-facing online data tools created with support from IPC include:

School Profiles:
District-Wide Survey Results:
SPR Calculator:

 Anchor Goal(s) Supported:    

 Related resolution(s)/approval(s): 

August 18 2016; A-7

October 19 2017; A-23

March 15 2018; A-27

April 25 2019; No. 14

May 30 2019; No. 55

 Funding Source(s): 

FY 21: Operating

FY 21: Capital

 Office Originating Request: Board of Education