Item Coversheet

Board of Education Meeting Date:  6/11/2020

Action under consideration

 The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize The School District of Philadelphia, through the Superintendent or his designee, to execute and perform an amendment of a contract, subject to funding, as follows:

District Management Group, LLC 

Coaching and professional development for operations department teams

 Original Start Date:  3/1/2020

 Original End Date:  6/30/2020

 Amended End Date:  12/31/2020

 Currently Authorized Compensation:  $150,000

 Additional Compensation: 
No additional compensation

 Total New Compensation:  $150,000 

Administrative Office(s)


This contract was originally authorized by the Board of Education on February 27, 2020, via Action Item No. 17.  Due to effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the District has not been able to start this work with the District Management Group. Both parties have agreed to extend the time frame for this work through December 31, 2020, and potentially adjust the focus of individual Breakthrough projects due to COVID-19 impacts at no additional cost to the District.  For reference, the description of the work from the original action item is included in the following paragraph:

“The District Management Group will work with members of the Operations team across multiple functions in order to help them improve the effectiveness of their services. The primary deliverable is professional development and coaching on District Management Group’s Breakthrough Team approach which is a rapid cycle of innovation, prototyping, and implementation that creates momentum and urgency to produce positive results. District Management Group will guide Operations team members through execution of ten concurrent Breakthrough projects across several Operations functions. Potential Breakthrough projects include initiatives to improve timeliness of work order completion, school cleanliness ratings, and on-time rates of bus routes. The Breakthrough Team approach will also prepare members of the Operations team to be agile and responsive to process improvements and priorities identified in the Operations Department Strategic Plan.”

 Anchor Goal(s) Supported:    Action Plan 3.0 calls for clean, healthy, and safe schools conducive to teaching and learning.

 Related resolution(s)/approval(s): 
February 27, 2020; No. 17
 Office Originating Request: Board of Education