Item Coversheet

Action Item - 33.

Title: Contract with SchoolWorks, LLC ($60,000)

Board of Education Meeting Date:

Action under consideration

 The Administration recommends that the Board of Education authorize The School District of Philadelphia, through the Superintendent or his designee, to execute and perform a contract, subject to funding, as follows: 

SchoolWorks, LLC 

To provide consulting support to the Charter School Office during the charter school review process

 Start date: 10/18/2019

 End date: 5/30/2020
 Compensation not to exceed: $60,000 
Administrative Offices

 Renewal Options:  No

SchoolWorks LLC will provide support to the School District's Charter Schools Office ("CSO") as part of a comprehensive review of New Charter Applications with the focus on two areas: 1) Curriculum Review and 2) Generalist Evaluation. This work supports the Board of Education's statutory requirement to receive and act upon new charter applications on an annual basis.  New Charter Application reviews have time restrictions under the the law, with the final number of applications not finalized unitl the official due date of November 15. By engaging in a contract with SchoolWorks LLC, the School District is able to ensure that all new charter applications receive a thorough and timely review.

 Anchor Goal(s) Supported: Anchor Goal 1 - 100% of students will graduate ready for college or career, Anchor Goal 2 - 100% of 8-year olds will read on or above grade level   Anchor Goal 1 - 100% of students will graduate ready for college or career, Anchor Goal 2 - 100% of

 Related resolution(s)/approval(s): 
June 19, 2014; SRC-2
 Funding Source(s): 
FY20 Operating and Categorical 

 Office Originating Request: Charter Schools